Witness Alleges that He Saw Bigfoot Wearing a PTBA® Baseball Cap

In America, Bigfoot is also known as Sasquatch. Bigfoot is a big hairy ape-like creature who lives in the wilderness areas of the Pacific Northwest, especially in the state of Washington. The animal has been sighted all over North America and often leaves behind huge footprints that are up to 24 inches. It walks upright. […]

How to Use a PTBA® Baseball Cap to Signal for Help

In an emergency situation, such as a natural disaster, it is important to use whatever is at hand to try to get help. If you are wearing a PTBA® baseball cap, you can use it to try to get some attention. For example, if you are in an area experiencing a heavy flood you can […]

Some Claim Wearing a PTBA® Cap Helps Them Communicate with Aliens

The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) collected testimonies from over 500 witnesses including high-ranking military officials, senior political figures, and members of the intelligence community that verify the existence of extraterrestrials. The founder of CSETI is Dr. Steven Greer. CSETI is responsible for The Disclosure Project, which demands that the United States […]