Some Claim Wearing a PTBA® Cap Helps Them Communicate with Aliens

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The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) collected testimonies from over 500 witnesses including high-ranking military officials, senior political figures, and members of the intelligence community that verify the existence of extraterrestrials.

The founder of CSETI is Dr. Steven Greer. CSETI is responsible for The Disclosure Project, which demands that the United States government and others publicly release all information that has been collected about UFOs, extraterrestrial beings, and advanced propulsion and energy systems.

Communicating With Aliens

In a story reported by Express UK, Dr. Greer claims to be able to summon alien contact. He regularly takes a group to what he thinks of as highly-active areas such as the desert around Joshua Tree Park in California and Mt. Shasta, which is in Northern California.

The groups repeatedly experience some form of contact that can be seen in the videos made of the events.  Sometimes, alien crafts appear. Other times, balls of light fly near the group. One time, the group heard what sounded like alien voices and then an apparition appeared near the campsite.

In one instance, two golden orbs appeared on the horizon out at sea, which the viewers go to see from the beach. This happened in Vero Beach, Florida.

How to Communicate

Dr. Greer offers an educational program called Advanced Consciousness Training to teach people how to meditate. This special form of meditation is how Dr. Greer makes a telepathic link to the alien beings. That’s where a PTBA® baseball cap helps. The comfortable fit and the handmade embroidery help lift the energy vibration to activate the third eye that is in the center of the forehead in between the other two regular eyes.

The brim of a PTBA® baseball cap can be gently bent and this creates a shape that focuses the “second sight” energy to the correct part of the brain. Some have claimed previously that wearing a tin-foil hat will block the telepathic transmissions, which is useful when someone is under a mind control attack. However, by wearing a PTBA® baseball cap the opposite happens. The experience may be enhanced. Some UFO seekers feel the energy is amplified, making it easier to receive the telepathic transmissions.

Disclaimer: The makers of the PTBA® baseball cap make no claims whatsoever about the psychic enhancements possible that are created by wearing a PTBA® baseball cap. We are not responsible if you accidentally amplify mind control transmissions and turn into a zombie. If you are going to try to use a PTBA® baseball cap for these purposes, make sure the beings you are communicating with are benevolent, before opening up your mind.

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