Witness Alleges that He Saw Bigfoot Wearing a PTBA® Baseball Cap

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In America, Bigfoot is also known as Sasquatch. Bigfoot is a big hairy ape-like creature who lives in the wilderness areas of the Pacific Northwest, especially in the state of Washington. The animal has been sighted all over North America and often leaves behind huge footprints that are up to 24 inches. It walks upright. Estimates are that it is between six and nine feet tall.

Rhinebeck, New York

A college student claims that in the early evening on June 22, 2009, he saw an animal walking on two feet trying to pick up something from the center of the road. He said the animal was between seven and seven and one-half feet tall, covered in dark hair with big wide shoulders, and swinging long arms as it walked. He observed the animal from about fifty feet away for a few seconds before it disappeared into the woods.

St. George, Utah

A driver of a big-rig truck saw a large creature in the road while driving down 1-15 near St. George, Utah on Jan. 8, 2008. It was around 1:30 a.m. when the driver noticed the glowing eyes of an animal in the middle of the freeway. He turned on the high-beam headlights to see a creature that he estimates was eight to ten feet tall only about 20 feet in front of his truck. He had to swerve to keep from hitting it and barely avoided a major accident.

Rifle, Colorado

A woman commuting to work stopped to get some fresh air. She noticed an animal in a nearby meadow that at first she thought was a bear until it came closer and she saw it was walking upright. She said it was covered with cinnamon-colored fur and had two large breasts, which is an anatomical feature not found on bears.

Florida Swamp

In Florida, Bigfoot is known as the “Skunk Ape” because it has a very a strong odor. A fishing guide was taking a small group on a boat tour through the swamp when they saw a creature about 100 yards away. As they got closer, the animal, which was rooting through the sand, stood up. The guide said it was as big as a side-by-side refrigerator and very muscular, covered with hair, except for its forehead. It stared at the group for about 15 seconds, then grunted and walked away.

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