How to Use a PTBA® Baseball Cap to Signal for Help

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In an emergency situation, such as a natural disaster, it is important to use whatever is at hand to try to get help. If you are wearing a PTBA® baseball cap, you can use it to try to get some attention. For example, if you are in an area experiencing a heavy flood you can get on the roof of the house and wave your PTBA® baseball cap at any helicopters or planes that fly over the area. The red caps are especially eye-catching.

Sending an SOS Signal

If you are in a remote area and get lost, you can light a fire and use a PTBA® baseball cap to help make smoke signals. The way smoke signals work is you catch and release the smoke in a recognizable pattern. The universal symbol for an emergency situation is SOS, which is created in Morse code as dot, dot, dot, dash, dash, dot, dot, dot. To create SOS using smoke catch and then release three short bursts of smoke, followed by two longer burst of smoke, followed by three short bursts of smoke.

If it is nighttime and you have a strong flashlight, direct it towards where you think people might see it and use your PTBA® baseball cap to cover and then expose the light in the same SOS pattern. Cover and expose the light for three short burst of light, then two long ones, followed by three more bursts of light.

Secretly Showing a Sign that You Are Under Duress

If your friends all know you to always wear your PTBA® baseball cap with the brim to the front or the rear, you can tell them your secret signal for being in trouble is to wear your PTBA® baseball cap with the brim to one side. Tell your friends that if they ever see you wearing your PTBA® baseball cap with the brim to the side, something is wrong. Wearing the brim to the side indicates that someone may be forcing you to do something against your will.

Young women can use this technique as a secret code among their friends when out and at parties. If a woman is being hit on by a guy she does not like, she can turn the brim of her PTBA® baseball cap to the side. All of her friends who know the code will recognize this means she wants to get away from the guy who is bothering her. Then, they can come to her rescue and get her out of that uncomfortable situation.

This is an effective buddy system at a party because what may appear to be welcomed advances might be undesirable and from afar it may be difficult to tell the difference. However, when a woman turns her cap to the side, immediately her girlfriends know she is calling out for help to get her away from a jerk.

Be safe, have fun, and always wear your PTBA® baseball cap. You never know when you might need it to signal for help.

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